Carrot and Pine Makgeolli 당근 솔잎 막걸리

You read it right: carrot and pine makgeolli. This recipe was adapted from a recent addition to my makgeolli library, HOT CRAFT 08 -아름다운 우리 전통: 술 만들기 . This book is simply titled, "Making Sool," and it appears to be part of a series called HOT CRAFT about traditional Korean arts. For those who didn't get to read my other posts regarding "sool", it is a generic term in Korean for alcohol, encompassing many varieties and styles. The book has many interesting recipes for makgeolli and cheong-ju, so this should be the first of many experiments with new ingredients. The original recipe calls for 2 kg rice, 200 g carrot, 10 g pine needle, 200 g nuruk, 2.5 l water, and 500 ml starter (yeast). I halved the ingredients to make this version. The above pictures show the preparation of the rice and nuruk, pine needles, and yeast. The rice an nuruk soaked for about 3 hours and the rice was drained before steaming. Pine needles were harvested from a tree in a...