Updates and Goals

It's been a while since I've updated, so let's get back to business with some updates and goals.

I haven't been brewing makgeolli yet, but I plan to in the near future. It took some time to get settled back in the USA with my wife, and it is her first time living here as a permanent resident. It's much different than going somewhere for a set amount of time like 1-2 years, so we're taking the time to do things right and not haphazardly.

Back to the topic at hand... makgeolli!

On my recent trip to H-Mart I found nuruk again. However, this time there were two brands of nuruk. This is a major win for the makgeolli maker(s) in The City of Philadelphia! I'll update with pictures shortly. The H-Mart location I'm talking about is...

7320 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027

More locations can be found at hmart.com, but I know that different locations stock different items. Therefore, just because there is an H-Mart in your area does not mean that they will stock nuruk. If any makgeolli makers in the US are in desperate need, leave me a comment and we can talk about getting you some.

Another piece of exciting news is that friends, and friends of friends, have recently expressed interest in learning how to make a simple batch of makgeolli. If there interest is genuine, I may host a workshop on brewing makgeolli! More details to come...

I'm a firm believer of being held accountable for one's goals. It is true motivation for me when I publicly state my goals for any endeavor, so here it goes for makgeolli:

Translate Korean makgeolli book(s) into English - This will be a semi-long term goal aimed at both improving my understanding of brewing and Korean language at the same time. Yes, it is quite a lofty goal, but I think it is definitely achievable. Hopefully, I will be able to translate the book section-by-section. I can even translate some of the more relevant chapters first for those who have a particular interest. I plan to post whole pages, or sections, to this blog as they are completed. 

Make a fresh batch of makgeolli - Just to get back into the swing of things

Host a workshop (tentative) - This is tentative and short-term. It depends upon the interest of the friends mentioned above. If I do host a workshop and it goes well, I may consider renting/borrowing a space and opening it up to the public.

Make makgeolli for our wedding/anniversary BBQ - A short-term goal to make enough makgeolli to serve guests at our wedding reception. Of course this would include making anju as well. This may involve tasting/blending or making a special makgeolli cocktail for the occasion.

There are many exciting goals that I'm looking forward to. More updates to come and, as always, comments and questions are welcome.


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